Occasional excess cash that companies may have been used for early payments through the platform, considering the balance of terms and prices, as an alternative to deposit income, to create additional income.
Suppliers in need of cash no longer need to deal separately with banks and financial institutions and find collaterals. They will access financing with the same value on the day with SCF by processing cut invoices with one click.
An opportunity to offer alternative prices and financing to creditor companies through the platform.
You can offer FaturaLab Financing auction solutions to a group or all your business partners through the platform.
Invoices uploaded to the platform can be evaluated by opening an early payment auction with the desired term, amount, and price.
If you are doing Supply Chain Finance with Financial Institutions through FaturaLab, alternative financing can be provided for the transactions where bids are received.
Let us tell you about our solutions that enable you to optimize your working capital.
Request a MeetingManaging an effective cash flow program that provides early payment at a suitable rate or condition to suppliers without using credit on behalf of the company, developing alternatives to possible investment opportunities with financial institutions, and making procurement processes more efficient.
Managing an effective cash flow program that provides early payment at a suitable rate or condition to suppliers without using credit on behalf of the company, developing alternatives to possible investment opportunities with financial institutions, and making procurement processes more efficient.
The process is the same, only the cash surplus to be used can be separated from the system within the company and early payment can be made through the platform.
Since the process is not done with a financial institution, it is completed immediately, on the same day.